So here I am. Finally in Seattle, in my new house, in my new bedroom.
This blog seems premature since it's only 1:31, and I have a to-do list waiting, but it seems like days have passed since I packed up the Civic (Roscoe as my father has named it) and drove off into the rain.
When I got to the house and had started unpacking, Brittany and I went to the 5 o'clock service at Bethany. Which was great. Though I'm admittedly jaded on church these days, the service was refreshing. Richard started a series called Are We There Yet? It's focused on the idea that we live in a skewed world and only see glimpses of eternity and an ideal world.
I hope that makes how there are moments of complete happiness and peace and intimacy (how it ought to be), but they always come to an end and contrastingly we face a world of oil spills and child abduction.
It made me reflect on moments of 'shalom' in my own life. I can only describe them as perfect moments when my chest hurts because it can't hold everything I feel. Strangely, a lot of them have been when I'm alone- like standing in the Paris metro, walking down the Vegas strip in the snow, and riding the bus home from a late night in downtown Seattle. However, there are those perfect moments when it's the people I'm with who generate laying in the grass with the Fab 5 on our last night in France, winning state with MV's dance team, sitting at Kerry Park with Kelsea, or laughing with a significant other.
Richard added 'the fall' always intrudes though- the moment ends, the snow melts, we grow up or apart from one another. And it's our response which is the important part. We can adopt denial, cynicism, a determination to be self-sufficient, or we can move forward as a sojourner. A sojourner- a wanderer.
I personally favor movement. Whether it's physical, emotional, or spiritual, I will continue to change.
My horizons will continue to expand.
Taking steps is painful- it means leaving something or someone behind- but it is better than stagnancy.
Currently listening to: Superbad by Travie McCoyAu Revoir!