Monday, November 15, 2010

Speak Now

Dear T-Swift,
Sorry I haven't been returning your e-mails or phone calls lately. I am not the kind of girl who should be rudely confronting you like this. I've been trying to think of a nice way to say it, but basically, I have a problem with you.

No, it has nothing to do with the dishes you left in the sink yesterday. And no, it's not because you used my eyeshadow without asking (yes, I did notice). It's actually this new song of yours I've been listening to on repeat.

Admittedly, I have the whole catchy tune memorized and it occassionally pops into my head without warning. I know, that was probably the whole point,'s been weighing on me and I can't not say anything, especially as your friend. Guess I have to speak now.

Simply put: You're annoying. I mean, interrupting a wedding because you want to run away with the groom screams homewrecker, but I also have to wonder why you can't just let it be. Like, why can't you let the guy marry who he wants and move on with your life? You're Taylor Freaking Swift; where's your confidence? Where's your rockstar attitude?

Okay, sure you can daydream about that stuff for a moment, but are you actually going to embarass yourself in front of a crowd? Or make this boy's affection into a competition? Obviously the guy does not want to be with you or he would be making it happen. You already let him know 'You Belong With Me' while they were dating, yet he still asked the girl to marry him. And then it took 6 months to plan the whole wedding and he still hasn't backed out. Maybe it's a sign you should back off. Permanently.

And possibly rethink your character a bit. I understand the naive, cutesy type is selling really well these days, but is that who you want to be?

I'm worried about you...maybe tone it down a bit. Like, no more throwing yourself at guys, no more putting down other girls to feel good about yourself, no more sneaking into weddings or hiding in curtains? Just a thought. Let's do coffee this week, I'd love to chat more about this and see where your head's at.


( if you have no idea what this is about.

1 comment:

  1. I love that you wrote this based on the song. It was very fun to read! I'm looking forward to seeing you over break :)
