Friday, July 8, 2011

parallel and perpendicular

Sometimes I feel like a crazy person. There are a million things to do and I don't know where to start, so I either go for a run to exhaust myself OR organize myself on paper.

It's usually in the form of a 'To-Do' list...I actually look back in my notebooks from school and every third or fourth page has a frenzy of things to check off, to accomplish, to get done. I have an entire steno with lists of movies to watch, books to read, places to go, etc. Some of it is essential, like booking plane tickets for a trip, and some is just fun stuff to indulge in when I have a free moment.

Today, I created a calendar. Not everyone can see it, but there is this countdown clock which looms over every plan I make and every day that goes by. With 3 weeks and 3 days until my departure, I hoped to pin my craziness down with parallel and perpendicular lines.

Whew, I feel better already.

If I haven't already told you, I am backpacking for two weeks from Dublin to Amsterdam to London to Paris, and then down to Montpellier to begin my school program through December.

I WILL be taking my laptop with me and hope to document EVERYTHING. It's funny that this blog began as a travel journal two years ago and will become one once again! Please leave a comment or e-mail me your address if you would like to receive a postcard...I am gladly sending them from each stop along the way!

Currently listening to Waste by Foster the People


1 comment:

  1. I am so excited for you Caitlin! I can't wait to read all about your travels and adventures! Avery loves getting postcards if you ever have a free second...Tabitha usually sends them to her while she's somewhere exciting. Avery's favorite place to talk about it Paris, and gets very excited when she sees the Eiffel Tower in pictures. : )
